Customer Stories

From Multiple Systems to One Integrated System

Executive Director, Opera

Opera Grand Rapids was using multiple softwares that don’t talk to each other which meant the team was spending a ton of time on manual data entry between the different systems and was unable to see a patrons’ full history easily in 1 place.

After switching to CueBox, Opera Grand Rapids was able to consolidate several of their systems, see all their patrons’ history in 1 place which allowed the team to significantly improve operational efficiency on the development, box office and marketing side.

“I’m not exaggerating when I say this has been absolutely life-changing for us. What used to take us 20 minutes and three software functions to complete is now done in 60 seconds on one single platform. They trained me to use every facet of the software in just a couple of hours.”

Game Changer for Audience + Donor Growth

Executive Director, Classical Music

Emmanuel Music’s Executive Director wanted a better system in order to diversify their revenue and to grow individual giving. She evaluated multiple other softwares such as Salesforce, Blackbaud, Patron Manager and decided on CueBox because it’s designed for arts orgs, dedicated to help them grow ticket sales and donations, and it’s clean and user-friendly.

After switching to CueBox from AudienceView, Emmanuel Music was able to achieve their earned revenue goal in 6 months and saw number of donors grow by >50%.

“CueBox is a vast improvement over what we were using and you get what you pay for - CueBox is certainly helping us to generate more earned revenue and donations…CueBox has a much cleaner customer interface so more customers are buying tickets and donating when they bought tickets…CueBox helped us increase the number of donors by more than 50%, especially first time donors which is significant for us.”

Seamless Migration + Onboarding

Executive Director, Symphony

Butler Symphony wanted a better system to grow development and they were struggling with tracking donors’ giving, developing new donors and an existing system that did not integrate with their email marketing tool. They were also going through a leadership transition and needed help with the data migration.

CueBox provided Butler Symphony end-to-end data migration service and custom software training which helped them transfer all their data and set up the new team for success. In addition, they can now easily pull targeted lists for development and have a two-way API integration with Mailchimp.

“CueBox was able to migrate all relevant data, which ensure we did not have to start from scratch. CueBox has great interfaces which makes all aspects of marketing and sales seamless.”

Innovative Patron Supporter Model

Executive Director, Theatre

Bag&Baggage wanted an easier to use system to help grow their audience/donor base and software that would support their unique pay-it-forward pricing model. Their team previously had challenges with navigating their old software, pulling the relevant data and converting their patron base into long-term supporters.

After moving to CueBox, Bag&Baggage was able to launch 'true' pay-it-forward tickets and multiple innovative memberships that allow patrons to become true auto-recurring supporters.

“Transition was so smooth and everyone on team is just very happy. Patrons are donating and we were able to launch a young professional membership…This is night and day compared to before - I don’t even have to think about ticket sales and donations as much as I used to.”

Easy To Use For Patrons + Team

Development Director, Symphony

Philadelphia Youth Orchestra wanted a more intuitive online ticketing + donation flow and more easy-to-use backend which they believe will help them increase tickets sold and donations.

After moving to CueBox, the team shared: CueBox already increased donation upsells by 3-4x vs before which helped them identify more donors to cultivate, and helped the Marketing Director save time on manual processes which allowed her to focus on more high-value marketing work.

“Our team only has rave feels comfortable, it feels natural, and things have been so easy on the backend…It used to take me an hour to build each concert versus only a few minutes now.”

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